Beginning May 20th, Geneva Rock will be working on behalf of Springville City to microsurface several City streets. Microsurfacing is a protective pavement layer which extends the life of the road. Microsurfacing is a cost-effective method to renew the road surface, while also sealing cracks and correcting other irregularities. Microsurfacing creates a protective layer which preserves the underlying structure of the road, and prevents the need for more expensive repairs in the future.
Please follow Springville City on our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram) for more information, or call 801-491-2780 with any questions or concerns.
Google Fiber is working with Springville City, private homeowner associations and property managers, to reach and access as many households as possible.
Google Fiber expects to start construction this spring and aims to finish the initial build in about 18 months.
Google Fiber will construct its network within city right-of-way easements, in accordance with all permitting protocol. Springville residents can expect to see construction crews in the roadways and adjacent softscapes/yards, that are part of the city’s right-of-way easements. Crews will notify residents and businesses ahead of construction staging by way of door hangers, street signage, cones and other safety and informational efforts.
Google Fiber will work to limit traffic impacts and disruption to residents. Anyone with questions or concerns can contact the Google Fiber Construction hotline at 1-877-454-6959.