
Springville City has been designated as a Passport Acceptance Facility by the U. S. Department of State. We look forward to helping you obtain a passport for your upcoming travel plans.

By appointment only please call (801) 491-5516

Passport Processing Times:
Know Before You Apply For A U.S. Passport

Passport Acceptance Facility

Springville City Civic Center
2nd Floor Administration Office
110 South Main, Springville, Utah
(801) 491-5516

Monday through Friday
by appointment only
Closed Holidays

Passport applications will not be processed after 4 p.m.

What You’ll Need

Passport applications can be obtained and submitted through the Springville City Passport Acceptance Facility. The application is also available online at

In order to expedite the application process, we encourage you to download your passport application from the U.S. Department of State’s website and fill it out prior to coming in to our office. DO NOT SIGN the passport application until requested to do so.

To expedite the process please bring the following items with you when you come to apply for a U.S. Passport:

* Passport photos are available in the Springville City Passport Acceptance Facility office for a fee of $15 per sheet (payable to Springville City).

If you are applying for a passport for a minor under the age of 16, both parents must be present unless the parent has filled out a Statement of Consent (form 3053).

The average processing time for passports is 6-8 weeks.

Expedited Applications take 2-3 weeks (for an additional fee).

Processing Times Webpage – current and previous processing times

Please see the U.S. Department of State website to ensure up-to-date passport information at:  For any questions about forms or status, please visit National Passport Information Center or contact by email at or by phone: 1-877-487-2778 (TDD/TTY: 1-888-874-7793)
