Springville Youth Court is based on restorative justice. Youth Court volunteers deliberate and come to a consensus on a disposition (sentence). The disposition’s goal is to provide accountability, skill development and/or a community connection for the offending juvenile. This allows juvenile offenders who have committed their first offense, and the offense does not rise above a Class B Misdemeanor, to appear before a court of his/her peers.
Springville Youth Court received their certification from the State of Utah in July 2015. The court is made up of Springville and Mapleton residents ages 14 to 18 in grades 9-12. They hold the positions of mentor, clerk, bailiffs and judges.
Applications to serve on the Springville Youth Court are open to students who will be in 9th through 12th grades in the Fall. Students must live in Springville or Mapleton at the time of their application. For new applicants please view the two short videos at the bottom of the page before applying.
The majority of the training for Youth Court will take place during the summer.
Youth Volunteer Application
Adult Volunteer Application
Pay Youth Court Membership Fees
Please send applications to mboring@springville.org.
By attending and successfully completing all requirements a juvenile offender does not appear in Juvenile Court and will maintain a clean criminal history.
Request to Appear Before Youth Court Application
Pay Youth Court Fee
Please send applications to youthcourt@springville.org.
Youth Court volunteers are trained in restorative justice, prevention and the legal process. They are given the opportunity to be community leaders. Juvenile offenders who appear before the court may be given the opportunity to serve on the Youth Court once the disposition is complete.
Youth Court is under the direction of Springville City’s Legal and Prevention department.
Springville Youth Court may decline to accept a youth for disposition or may terminate a youth from Youth Court participation at any time.
Springville City Youth Court
Mackenzie Boring, Advisor
City Civic Center
110 South Main • Springville
(801) 491-4869 or email