City Bids

RFP for Leadership Training

May 17th, 2024

Springville City is seeking proposals from qualified training providers who have the capacity to develop, grow and enhance the City’s management team. Current supervisors and superintendents are conversant in leadership skill topics, but the City is interested in a functioning model or plan to implement in conjunction with the training program. Thus, the scope should provide both a method of initial training and ongoing support to ensure that the program is properly imbedded within the City. A primary purpose of the training will be to have each level of supervision better understand their role and have an understandable process to accomplish their responsibilities. The program is intended to have multiple interactions with trainers with opportunities to learn in smaller teams in an hands-on approach.

RFP for Leadership Training

Springville General Plan

November 21st, 2023

Springville, Utah’s Art City, seeks qualified consultant firms to provide their qualifications for updating Springville’s General or Comprehensive Plan and a corresponding comprehensive zoning code update.

Apply via Sciquest at

Search by keyword for SPRINGP202424802

RFQ Springville City General Plan Final 2023-11-20

RFP #2023-05 1750 West 1600 South

November 16th, 2023

Springville City is excited to offer up to 44 acres of prime, freeway and interchange-fronting retail property for sale. The property is located at approximately 1750 West and 1600 South in Springville bordering I-15 and the now-under-construction Springville/Spanish Fork Interchange. Responses are due January 18, 2024.

RFP Document

RFP #2022-01: Springville City Downtown Main Street (US-89) Corridor Plan

January 14th, 2022

Proper planning will help assure that as Springville’s downtown grows, Main Street will be an even more vibrant and livable place. It is vital that Main Street’s function as a major transportation thoroughfare be balanced with its role as the center of the city and the primary public space in downtown. In addition, a cohesive vision is needed to guide the continued evolution of downtown. This study will identify goals, policies, and implementation strategies for transportation, land use, urban design, and programming to accomplish these aims.

RFSQ Storm Drain Master Plan Update

January 7th, 2022

Springville City desires to retain the services of a Professional Consulting Engineering Firm to update the City’s Storm Drain Master Plan.

EBBA Iron Flex-Tend Expansion Joints

November 17th, 2021

Owner is soliciting this bid for EBBA Iron FLEX-TEND Expansion Joints or an approved equivalent. It is to be a
“Sealed Bid” to be opened at the date and time designated. It is the intent that lowest cost from the sealed bid should be the first and major concern and at the same time receive quality service from Bidder.