PUBLIC NOTICE – Springville City Council hereby gives notice of the adoption of Ordinance #03-2024, amending Springville Code Title 11 Chapter 5a Article 101 to amend the Westfields Central New Neighborhood Plan to clarify setback requirements and architectural standards; at their regular meeting held on March 05, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 110 South Main, Springville. A copy of this ordinance is available by contacting the city recorder’s office during regular business hours. /s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder
PUBLIC NOTICE – Springville City Council hereby gives notice of the adoption of Ordinance #04-2024, amending Springville City Zoning Map to apply the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Zone to the entirety of parcel 23:031:0089, located at approximately 300 South 950 West; at their regular meeting held on March 05, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 110 South Main, Springville. A copy of this ordinance is available by contacting the city recorder’s office during regular business hours. /s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder