PUBLIC NOTICE – Springville City Council hereby gives notice of the adoption of Ordinance #13-2022, adopting and amending the General Plan Land Use Map to designate Parcels 26:050:0042, 26:050:0041, 26:050:0040, and 26:049:0051, located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of I-15 and 1600 South, also known as the Suntana property, to Commercial upon its annexation into Springville City; at their regular meeting held on August 02, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 110 South Main, Springville. A copy of this ordinance is available by contacting the city recorder’s office during regular business hours. /s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder
PUBLIC NOTICE – Springville City Council hereby gives notice of the adoption of Ordinance #14-2022, adopting a new commercial zoning district to be known as Regional Retail Commercial Zone (RRC), and approving the text amendment to Springville City Code 11-4-102(5) Commercial Zoning Districts to include the Regional Retail Commercial Zone (RRC) and the inclusion of the Regional Retail Commercial Zone (RRC) and associated permitted and conditional uses to Springville City Code 11-4-301 Land Use Matrix; at their regular meeting held on August 02, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 110 South Main, Springville. A copy of this ordinance is available by contacting the city recorder’s office during regular business hours. /s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder
PUBLIC NOTICE – Springville City Council hereby gives notice of the adoption of Ordinance #15-2022, adopting the application of the Regional Retail Commercial zone (RRC) to parcels 26:050:0042, 26:050:0041, 26:050:0040, and 26:049:0051; at their regular meeting held on August 02, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 110 South Main, Springville. A copy of this ordinance is available by contacting the city recorder’s office during regular business hours. /s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder
PUBLIC NOTICE – Springville City Council hereby gives notice of the adoption of Ordinance #16-2022, annexing property into Springville City, known as the Suntana Annexation; at their regular meeting held on August 02, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 110 South Main, Springville. A copy of this ordinance is available by contacting the city recorder’s office during regular business hours. /s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder