Notice is hereby given the Springville City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 02, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center, City Council Chambers located at 110 South Main Street, Springville, Utah. The purpose of the hearing is to consider a Resolution and amendment to the Springville City FY20222-2023 Budget. Interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing. Information on the proposed budget amendment is available by contacting the Finance Director at 801.489.2708 during regular business hours. /s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder
Notice is hereby given the Springville City Council will hold a public hearing on August 02, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center, City Council Chambers located at 110 South Main Street, Springville, Utah. The purpose of the hearing is to allow an opportunity for the public to comment on the sale of approximately 20 acres of Springville City Property located in the Springville Industrial Park parcel #23:001:0169 at approximately 1775 N Mountain Springs Parkway, Springville, Utah. Interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing. /s/Kim Crane, City Recorder
Notice is hereby given the Springville City Council will hold a public hearing on August 02, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center, City Council Chambers located at 110 South Main Street, Springville, Utah. The purpose of the hearing is to allow an opportunity for the public to comment regarding an Ordinance and adoption of a new zoning district, the South Regional Commercial Zone and to amend the General Plan Land Use Map to designate parcels 26:050:0042, 26:050:0041, 26:050:0040, and 26:049:0051, located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of I-15 and 1600 South, also known as the Suntana property. Interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing. /s/Kim Crane, City Recorder
Notice is hereby given the Springville City Council will hold a public hearing on August 02, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center, City Council Chambers located at 110 South Main Street, Springville, Utah. The purpose of the hearing is to allow an opportunity for the public to comment regarding the proposed Suntana Annexation for approximately 55.04 acres consisting of property owned by Springville City; parcels 26:050:0042, 26:050:0041, 26:050:0040, and 26:049:0051 at approximately 1800 West 1600 South, Springville, Utah County. The proposed annexation would be zoned Commercial. Interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing. /s/Kim Crane, City Recorder