Springville City Police Department is currently in possession of unclaimed property held in excess of 90 days, for which ownership is undetermined or they have not been able to contact the owner or finder. This was property held as evidence, safe-keep property being held for the owner, and found property where the owner is unknown. The property consists of cash register, baseball cards, coins/cash, electronics, firearm accessories, jewelry, knives, outdoor equipment, tools, recreation equipment, backpacks, clothing, and personal items. Pursuant to UCA Title 77, Chapter 24a, as amended, if the above-described property is not claimed within nine (9) days of this notice it will either be sold at auction, disposed of, or converted to City use. If you believe the City has property belonging to you, contact Springville Police Department, Evidence Technician, 110 South Main, Springville, UT 84663; ph.: 801-489-9421.
Dated May 10, 2022 s/s Kim Crane, City Recorder