The Springville City Planning Commission will consider the following item(s) at the public meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, located at 110 South Main Street. The public is invited to attend and comment on the following:
Josh Davis with Landd seeking an amendment to the Official Zone Map on parcels 23:030:0016, 23:031:0015, 23:030:0011, and 23:031:0014 from the R1-15 Single-Family Residential Zone to the R1-8 Single-Family Residential Zone, located in the area of 1500 West and Center Street
Springville City seeking an amendment to Springville City Code, Section 11-6-313, Specific Sign Regulations.
Review date and time are SUBJECT TO CHANGE. For further information, please contact the
Community Development department at 801.491.7861.