After School Programs

After School Program

Registration Dates

Registration is open for Geocaching and Intro to Gardening & Horticulture Class  until February 28th  . Limited spaces available per class.

Geocaching Class

Utah may not have been the home to Blackbeard, but there’s plenty of treasure to be found! Geocaching, the sport of using coordinates to find a hidden prize, will engage your kids in a global treasure hunt that gets them outside and cultivates their creativity, teaching crucial skills such as navigation, orienteering and critical thinking (such as solving puzzles or riddles). Though they may not find gold coins or a pirate’s bounty during the 6-week course, they’re sure to find terrific memories and barrels of fun along the way!




Tuesday Classes (6 weeks)- March 5th – April 16th (No class on April 2nd Spring Break) 

Ages: 6-8 @ 4:30-5:30pm

Ages: 9-12 @ 5:45-6:45pm

Summit Center- Northwest Entrance,  (165 S 700 E, Springville) across the street from the skate park.

Fee: $55

Limited space available



Chess Club: Intro to Chess/Intermediate

Learn the game of chess, with its unique pieces and how they move. Often called the game of life because every move/decision you make can either bring an advantage or a disadvantage. The strategic, creative thinking skills learned while playing can help kids become better problem solvers in everyday life.

Wednesday afternoons for six weeks total, starting on March 6th (No class on April 3rd due to Spring break).

Held at the Summit Center, 165 South 700 East


Intro to Gardening & Horticulture

We will be busy as bees learning all about Horticulture. We will be exploring different bugs you may find in your garden. The children will be connecting with nature as they look at different types of seeds and herbs. We will have a hands on activity each class to help them better understand the world around them. There are many types of soil that different plants thrive in. We will be touching on types that can be used in your indoor or outdoor garden. We will be mixing in art while learning all about garden.

Thursday Class (6 Weeks)- March 7th – April 18th (No class on April 4th Spring Break).

1-2nd Grade @ 4:00-5:00pm

3-4th Grade @ 5:15-6:15pm

Summit Center- Northwest Entrance,  (165 S 700 E, Springville) across the street from the skate park.

Fee: $50

Limited space available



Rec1 Online Registration

Registration is online 24 hours a day and 7 days a week through the Rec1 system. Users must create a family account and log in to register. If you have difficulties with Rec1 online registration, please call the Rec office during regular business hours at (801) 489-2730. If you forget your password, please call and it can be reset. Please do not create multiple accounts to register your participant. Most registration problems can be solved quickly over the telephone. Recreation staff can help by phone, so coming to the office isn’t necessary unless you are paying with cash or a check.

How to set up your Rec1 account
Recreation Policies