Christmas Tree Pick Up 2024

All Day
Daily from until

Live Christmas tree pick up will start on Monday, January 8, 2024 and go through Friday, January 19, 2024. Please make sure that the tree is on the curb, visible, and accessible for the crews to pick up. You may have to brush snow off if it becomes hard to see. Also make sure that all lights, decorations and stands have been removed from the tree.

Our Streets team picks up the trees not our Solid Waste team, so it may not be picked up on your garbage day.

If you would like, you can also take your tree to the Yard Waste Disposal Center. Make sure that all lights, decorations and stands have been removed from the tree. The gates will be open during those same dates, 9 am – 3 pm, if you would like to take your tree there for disposal. The Yard Waste Disposal Center is located at approximately 600 West and 700 North.

Call Public Works at 801-491-2780 if you have any questions