110 South Main Street
Springville, UT 84663
(801) 489-2700
(801) 491-7894 — fax
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Except U.S. Holidays)
Accounts Payable
(801) 489-2713
(801) 489-2700
Attorney’s Office
(801) 491-5539
Buildings and Grounds
443 South 200 East
(801) 489-2770 — Cemeteries
(801) 489-2770 — Parks Reservations
(801) 491-7880 — Facilities
Business Licensing
(801) 491-7811
Building Plans and Inspections
(801) 489-2704
(801) 489-2770 — Evergreen Cemetery
(801) 489-2770 — Historic City Cemetery
Clyde Recreation Center
717 S 1200 W
(801) 491-7881
Community Development
(801) 491-7861
Economic Development
(801) 491-7839
Engineer’s Office
(801) 491-2780
(801) 491-2713
Fire Department
(801) 491-5600
Emergency 911
Hobble Creek Golf Course
(801) 489-6297 — Pro Shop
(801) 489-2783 — Restaurant
Human Resources
(801) 491-7801
Justice Court
(801) 489-2707
45 S Main Street
(801) 489-2720
Mayor’s Office
(801) 489-2718
Museum of Art
126 East 400 South
(801) 489-2727
Parks Department
443 South 200 East
(801) 489-2770 — Park Reservations
Planning and Zoning
(801) 491-7861
Police Department
(801) 489-9421
Emergency — 911
(801) 489-2750
Prosecutor’s Office
(801) 491-7862
Public Safety
(801) 491-5600 — Fire Non-Emergency
(801) 489-9421 — Police Non-Emergency
Emergency — 911
Public Works Office
(801) 491-2780
Recorder’s Office
(801) 491-2727
443 S 200 E
(801) 489-2730
Solid Waste (Garbage/Recycling)
(801) 491-7867
Senior Citizen Center
65 E 200 S
(801) 489-8738
Streets and Sidewalks
(801) 489-2765
(801) 489-2702
Utility Services
(801) 489-2706
(801) 491-2718
Waste Water Treatment Plant (Sewer)
500 West 700 North
(801) 489-2745
909 East 400 South
(801) 489-2740