Notice is hereby given that a petition for annexation has been filed with Springville City, which petition has been certified as of October 05, 2021, which petition covers 1.981acres consisting of property owned by Keith and Jerrie Fackrell (parcel #26:006:0100 and #26:006:0102), located at approximately 2295 East 700 South, Springville, Utah County. The complete petition and accompanying map are available for inspection and copying at the Springville City Office, located at 110 South Main Street, Springville, Utah. Springville City may grant the petition unless a written protest is filed with the Utah County Boundary Commission, Attn: Alice Black, 100 East Center Street, Provo, Utah 84606 and Springville City at 110 South Main Street, Springville, Utah 84663 on or before November 04, 2021. Those entitled to protest must be the Legislative body or governing board of an affected entity or owner of rural real property defined in UCA 17B-2a-1107.
/s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder