Summer Send-Off

Cardboard Boat

Join us for a fun-filled week of activities as we say goodbye to summer! The events will take place the week of August 5-10 at various locations around Springville. Come check out the new bike park, bring the family for a free outdoor movie, learn about safety at the National Night Out, and more. Be sure not to miss the Beach Party at Bartholomew & Cardboard Regatta on Friday afternoon.  The week culminates with a free Concert in the Park on Saturday evening with Utah’s Top Country Band: Wildwood.


Monday, August 5th (Bring your bike!)
Cherry Ridge Bike Park ribbon cutting ceremony  Promptly at 6:00 pm
 Professional riding demonstrations, giveaways and other activities  6:15 pm
Tuesday, August 6th
National Night Out and Public Safety Fair @ Reams 5:00-7:00 pm
Wednesday, August 7th
Clyde Recreation Center Beach Party 2:00-6:00pm
Thursday, August 8th
Movie in the Park-Shrek  Dusk @ Civic Center Park
Friday, August 9th
Beach Party at Bartholomew Pond and Cardboard Regatta 1:00-3:00 pm
Saturday , August 10th
Concert in the Park-Wildwood Gates open at 6:00 pm Concert at 8:00 pm

For any additional questions please call 801-491-4861 or email