Public Hearing Notice – Approval of S&K Annexation

Notice is hereby given the Springville City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 04, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center, City Council Chambers located at 110 South Main Street, Springville, Utah. The purpose of the hearing is to allow an opportunity for the public to comment regarding the proposed S&K Annexation for approximately 0.196 acres or approximately 8,548 square feet located at approximately 1520 East 1200 South (Utah County) into Springville City. The proposed annexation would be zoned R1-10. Interested persons are invited to submit their comments in person at the hearing, or by email to before 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.  /s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder