Invitation to Bid

Notice is hereby given that SPRINGVILLE CITY INCORPORATED (OWNER) will accept bids for the construction of the Highline Ditch project according to the Drawings and Specifications and in accordance with the Springville City Standard Specifications and Drawings Manual, and described in general as:

Remove and dispose of approximately 240 LF of metal plates and concrete cover. Furnish and install approximately 3610 linear feet of 24” HDPE solid wall pipe placed on top of the existing concrete culvert. Furnish and install anchors and steel straps approximately every 50 feet to secure the pipe. Furnish and install clean out boxes approximately every 500 feet. Relocate the 24” flow meter.

Bids will be accepted by the OWNER on-line via Sciquest Ditch until 11:00 AM (local time) on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. The OWNER will then make the decision of award and contact the individual bidders with the decision on or after Monday, January 15, 2025.

CONTRACT DOCUMENTS to be executed by the winning CONTRACTOR may be obtained on or after the date of the bid award at the Springville City Offices, upstairs in the Community Development Office. These CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will include an agreement to be signed by both the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER prior to any work commencing. A PAYMENT BOND and PERFORMANCE BOND will be required by the winning CONTRACTOR and all necessary forms are also included in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.

A MANDATORY pre-bid conference will be held at 1:30 PM (local time) on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at the Springville City Offices, 110 South Main, Springville, Utah. All contractors intending to submit a bid may attend to obtain relevant information concerning the project. Bidders are advised that information affecting drawings, specifications, conditions, scope of work, etc. may be discussed.

All communication relative to the Project and any questions which BIDDERs may have concerning the project shall be directed to the OWNER during the pre-bid meeting. Additional questions not answered during the pre-bid meeting, but 48 hours prior to the submitting of bids, shall be submitted online using the “Questions and Answers” section for this project using the following link: Ditch.

The OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all bids; or to accept or reject the whole or any part of any bid; or to waive any informality or technicality in any bid in the best interest of the City. Only bids giving a firm quotation properly submitted and signed will be accepted.