Invitation to Bid

Notice is hereby given that Springville City Incorporated (Owner) will accept bids for the construction of the 400 S Sewer Concrete Removal Project according to the Drawings and Specifications and in accordance with the Springville City Standard Specifications and Drawings Manual, and described in general as:

400 S
Remove concrete that is partially blocking an existing 12″ RCP sewer main located in 400 S at a bridge crossing Hobble Creek near the intersection with S Glenwood Dr. The existing sewer main is approximately 50′ and will need to be accessed via one of two SSMH located in 400 S. Between 5″ to 8″ of concrete is currently restricting the flow in the 12″ pipe, it is unknown if the entire length of pipe is restricted but it potentially may be.

Invitation to Bid