Public Hearing Notice

Notice is hereby given the Springville City Council will hold public hearings on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center, City Council Chambers located at 110 South Main Street, Springville, Utah. The purpose of the hearings is to consider the approval and adoption of the following:

Springville Transportation Master Plan, to include the IFFP-Impact Fee Facilities Plan and IFA-Impact Fee Analysis

Springville Drinking Water Master Plan to include the IFFP-Impact Fee Facilities Plan and IFA-Impact Fee Analysis

Springville Pressurized Irrigation Water Master Plan to include the IFFP-Impact Fee Facilities Plan and IFA-Impact Fee Analysis

Springville Storm Water Master Plan, to include the IFFP-Impact Fee Facilities Plan and IFA-Impact Fee Analysis

Springville Sewer Collections Master Plan, to include the IFFP-Impact Fee Facilities Plan and IFA-Impact Fee Analysis

Springville Water Reclamation Facility Master Plan, to include the IFFP-Impact Fee Facilities Plan and IFA-Impact Fee Analysis

A copy of each plan with the IFFP and IFA is available for public review on the City’s website ( and in the Springville Public Library located at 45 South Main Street, Springville, Utah. /s/ Kim Crane, City Recorder